The bear, who needs no introduction, embarks on a journey with a London family to his country of origin to visit his beloved Aunt Lucy. Upon arrival at the Retirement Home for Bears, it turns out that this is just the beginning of some crazy adventures!
The bear, who needs no introduction, embarks on a journey with a London family to his country of origin to visit his beloved Aunt Lucy. Upon arrival at the Retirement Home for Bears, it turns out that this is just the beginning of some crazy adventures!
Paddington must find his aunt, who has embarked on an escapade deep into the Amazon jungle. Along the way, with his companions, he will make numerous discoveries and surely enjoy a tasty orange marmalade sandwich more than once.
The third film in the series of adventures featuring the beloved character created by Michael Bond allows viewers to delve into Paddington's roots. An extraordinary journey full of laughter, emotions, and surprises await all Paddington fans.
Maria Nowicka
Age group: 7+
Dubbing PL