During a train journey, one of the passengers disappears without a trace. Young Englishwoman Iris (Margaret Lockwood) decides to unravel the mysterious case of the old lady's disappearance. Boarding the train with Hitchcock, we embark on a journey into a woman's subconscious, full of repressed desires and fears.
Travelling with Alfred Hitchcock could never be dull. In his most famous British work exposing the everyday dangers and captivated by Freud's theories, the director becomes a conductor charting a course to the female subconscious full of suppressed desires, fears, and cultural stereotypes.
When an older lady on the train disappears without a trace, Englishwoman Iris Henderson decides to unravel the mystery of her disappearance. Fellow passengers seem to be conspiring, convincing the girl they did not see Miss Froy. Irritating Gilbert helps Iris in unravelling the complex intrigue. Clearly, something is afoot, as the train does not lack suspicious clues like nuns in high heels.
The master of suspense flawlessly juggles genre conventions, creating an intricate picture fulfilling the pattern of a spy thriller, along with numerous elements of comedy or melodrama. At the core of the adaptation of Ethel Lina White's novel is a woman on the threshold of adulthood – officially travelling to her own wedding with a man she's not convinced about, but in reality, delving into her own identity and maturing right before the viewers' eyes as the train journeys on. The dreamlike atmosphere manifested in recurring fainting spells and naps by Iris intensifies the psychoanalytic assumptions of the plot.
The brilliant script is complemented by intriguing characters that give a mosaic of diverse personalities – from proud, cricket-loving but problematic Englishmen to angry and frustrated lovers. The entire piece is honoured by the charismatic acting of Margaret Lockwood, Michael Redgrave (award for Best Actor for THE BROWNING VERSION), and the twice Oscar-nominated English lady May Whitty.
Paula Apanowicz